Thursday, June 2, 2011

When good things happen to other people

Though some of the pictures in this entry are Alaska-produced, the focus of this blog is not Alaska. Deal.

I get excited! Seriously excited. Not like this...

100SC JA0031D001
Or this...

125SI EQ0131D001
I mean, legitimately excited! 

I apologize for breaking my pg rule. The picture was too perfect to pass up. Why am I that excited? A good friend of mine just secured a teaching job for the fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reasons this is exciting: 
1) Jobs pay bills. I would never wish poverty on anyone, let alone my friends. It leads to Ramen overdose and depression.

2) This particular friend is someone who I would consider teaching in a dark hole that was 1000000 degrees if it meant being her colleague. She's that good. 

3) Even if this was the only year she was a teacher, so many students lives will be changed for the better. 

4) And finally, my greedy reason....1 LESS TEACHER IN THE POOL FOR ME TO COMPETE WITH!!!!!! 

So friend, (who I know reads this blog from time to time,) my hat is off to you! I'm so glad you have achieved all that we dreamed about. Whether it was in class, as we read books by "Harry Wong" and were inundated by other's teaching philosophies. Or whether it was during finals week, when we stayed up all night drinking tar coffee and eating one oreo at a time in the hopes that we would pass genetics, cell bio, or our final capstone. 

Run fast, turn left, change lives.

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