Friday, June 10, 2011

A plug for Karmin

I sit here before you all now. Ready and waiting to face the polar north of Alaska! Tomorrow, I board a plane that will take me all the way to Chicago! Then we have to walk.
Just kidding :) Actually, we are flying to Chicago, which is a rather short flight. And then we get the pleasure of airport people watching (an actual sport I think) until a few hours later, when we fly from Chicago to Anchorage. I hope that one of our planes looks like this. It will be very reassuring to me.
"Now boarding! The tricky traveller. Learn to love it." I think I should be a flight attendant actually. "Buckle up, folks. Don't know how? Get off this plane. If we crash, I only want smart resourceful people on board!" 
If you can't read the bottom of this picture it says "Remove the window, then just stand there and think about what you've done." 


Photo documentation will of course be provided. I'm not sure if I'll have internet access, but I'll definitely keep some notes and have things to upload when we return. My prediction is that we will see something like this when we get off the plane...
I just googled, actually, and learned that it's been in the high 60's during the day and low 40's at night at our future destinations. I suppose that means that my only issue will be the nights, when all I've packed for pj's is shorts and t-shirts. I'm one of those restless sleeper types, so loose fitting clothing is imperative, especially when I'm not in my native habitat. 
But, I have historically kept a cool house (like, windows open in the winter. my friends know to wear long sleeves and pants when they come to visit.) so maybe I'll be okay! If not, I'll have to go cuddle a bear. 
Actually, I do have a bear, and he's ready to go to Alaska too! Shhhhh, don't tell him we didn't get him a ticket....

Alright everyone! The kindle is updated. The playlist is made (and FULL of Karmin. Don't know who they are? Learn. Now. iTunes. Go). Now I just have to figure out how to smuggle my pantene shampoo AND my facewash into my luggage. I think airlines are secretly supporting a society in which no one showers. Ever.

Wish me luck!

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