Saturday, June 11, 2011

No words

I have never, in all my years (all 22, I know, roll you one asked for your opinion) seen anything like the view I had when we flew into Anchorage this evening. 9pm Alaska time, 1am my time - I am WIDE awake. But let me back up....

It all started this morning, as I tried to finish my packing. Surprisingly (or maybe not) I was unable to get much sleep last night. I was tippity tap typing job applications until 1:30 ish and then I tried to snooze a little, only to feel some tightness in my back from the silly futon mattress I insisted on sleeping on. 
So I got up, wayyyyy before my alarm. Turns out, this was a very good thing. Even with my butt completely in order, I struggled to be ready to go at 10:45. I was frantically stuffing tootsie pops and mints into my overstuffed backpack. It kinda looks like a happy face guy! (the zipper is like an open mouth...squint. you'll see it.) 

-Ok, so after 30 minutes of trying to get these pictures in here, I have failed. And i'm not sure what the deal is, but I'm so tired I should probably just quit. Here's what I really wanted to tell you.

As we flew in to Anchorage, the mountains were poking through the clouds. And then they were below the clouds. And they kept getting bigger, and bigger. And then we could see houses and tiny tiny cars. It looked like a model city. With lots of grass and trees, and bits of "civilization." But as the mountains got bigger and bigger, the other things on the ground seemed to stay the same size! No joke, until the wheels of the plane touched down on the runway, I didn't understand the full scope and size of those mountains in relation to everything else. I swear to you all, my mouth was agape for the entire descent and most of the unloading of the plane.

And I'm still snapping pictures.

Off to bed with me for now. PS: we had to shut the curtains- its still light outside, even though its 11pm Alaska time. Crazy!

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