Tuesday, April 19, 2011

They should charge admission for this

Alaska Fact: While it is legal to shoot bears, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.

Check plus. I got it. No poking bears.

Gotta love Alaska :)

At the school I attend, I have seen many many strange things that I believe are unique to this environment. I was just reminded of this in my physiology class when the following situation happened.

Guy walks into class. He is holding coffee and looks lost. He stands at the back of the room and smiles. Strange. Then he leaves. 10 seconds later he comes back in. Then he stands around for another 10 seconds again. He leaves and comes back (mind you, this entire time, the door is making a TERRIBLE creaking noise). This third time he enters the room, he marches to the front. I expect him to have something to say to the professor. Instead, he hands the coffe to a girl who is sitting in the very first row, says nothing, and walks out. *cue class stare*

I mean, really? Do you feel so entitled that you have your boyfriend deliver coffee to you in the middle of class. And if so, why do you not sit in the back. And the professor was floored, but obviously didn't know what to say. Are you KIDDING me?! I live for the day that happens in my classroom.

"Excuse me? Is that for me? No? Do you need whatever is in that cup to survive? Actually, no you don't. Because this is physiology and I'm a genius, thusly, I know that coffee isn't necessary for your survival. Why then, is it interrupting my class?"

Instead, my professor just said "That was weird. Where's mine?"

There's a sense of entitlement here that is prevalent and slightly sickening. I don't know if its the type of people, the type of school, or the overall cost, but people here do the strangest things. I read a story in the student paper a few weeks ago about a student and his father, who went to a bar in town, got toasted, and the father got into a fight, and then ended up getting arrested because of it. Apparently, the father said to the police "You must have an agenda. You must be democrats."

Yep. Definitely democrats. 

Things like this happen all the time here. And though its not limited to students, that's where we see it the most. I wonder how educated people can be so ignorant. After 4 years in an institution of higher education, you would think that eyes would have been opened a liiiiiiiittle bit. For instance, I watched a documentary on human trafficking in Burma yesterday and the things I saw actually gave me acid reflux. In what way could I ever consider myself entitled to something when there are people in the world who don't even have control over their own bodies? 

There comes a time when you just HAVE to grow up. If ignorance is bliss, then I'd rather be unhappy and informed. You know you're ready to graduate when you've realized that the behavior you once attributed to youth is actually learned. This is why we have to teach.

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