Saturday, April 2, 2011

Putting the PRO in PROcrastinate

From now on, I'm going to start each post with a fun fact about Alaska so we can all keep in mind the things I have to look forward to. So...

Fun Fact: 
   Kodiak Bear = alaskan wildlife
 1,400 lbs
 11ft tall

                                      That's Big Bart. He's a friendly Kodiak.
                                                 They are not all like that.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Long ago, I acquired a trait that will probably define the majority of my life. Though I'm not entirely sure how it was developed, I have a superior ability to procrastinate just about everything I do. What I've found is that some things suffer from that, and some things benefit. Things that suffer include:
-Deadlines for school and work
-Anything required for finances
-Stress level

Luckily, I'm almost as responsible as I am a PROcrastinator, so things tend to get done. I also work well "under the gun," all things considered, so the finished products are usually of relatively high quality. I have, however, started to wonder what my life would look like if there was less procrastination. I mean, if I started papers more than 8 hours before they were due, or studied for tests a little bit every day instead of pulling a 12 hour marathon study session (never an all-nighter though...girl needs her beauty sleep.) My whole college career has been enveloped in a shroud of procrastination, which can be verified by anyone that has ever had class with me.

As life marches on and deadlines become more important, my priorities have started to align themselves. Rushing to get a paper done is more acceptable than rushing through your taxes and committing fraud unintentionally. In school, its trendy to be behind and in a rush. It's almost like you're not doing your duty as a student if you don't leave things to the last possible moment. The thing is, if you live your life like a harried college student, your hair starts to fall out, you turn to alcohol as a vice and you have to create a new time zone to run your lateness from (true story, I tell people I run on MST...Megan Standard Time.)

If life was actually about YOU, then that would be acceptable. However, life is not about you or me, its about we. And everyone pays when someone doesn't pull their weight.

So I raise my cranberry juice this morning to new beginnings. Full of met timelines and PROductivity. Not for you or for me, but for we.

Tune in next time for more exciting news about Alaska :)

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