Thursday, May 26, 2011

Something old, something new

"You know you're in Alaska when: your monthly phone bill is larger than a house payment."

As promised, I have posted in this blog every day since the day I graduated.....

Ok, I lied. In all honesty, if you were to look through my blog draft box, you'd see 10 or 15 unfinished thoughts, gathering internet dust. It's not that I lacked the motivation or material. I suppose it was inspiration that fell short for me this time. However, with a renewed sense of "get it done" I'm back, and I intend to be back until June 11th! 

That's right people, 16 days to lace up my boots, gather my bear repellant, learn some Yupik and grow a winter coat.

Thus far, my preparations only go so far as having acquired boots, a flannel shirt and a sense of adventure. So what have I been doing in all my "free" time you ask? Check the list out:
1) Find transportation--> I considered snow shoes, a tricycle and a white stallion, but settled on this...
For the past few years I have been on my parents dime, driving around the family CRV (aka: the mom car......or so it was deemed by the happy passengers if they were lucky enough to get chauffeured around.) Unfortunately, the car had to get passed to the next child in line and I had to become an adult. I bargained, begged and straight up lied through my teeth, ultimately getting a decent deal and a sweet ride. 
2) Apply for jobs--> Did you know, even if you have a teaching degree, have tons of in class experience and a teaching license, its still incredibly difficult to get a teaching job? There are some days when I wonder if that diploma that just came in the mail is actually going to do me any good. 

I send hundreds of emails, fill out hundreds of online and paper applications, and have only had one interview to date. Over the phone. This is how I feel during a phone interview....
I have no idea what the other person is thinking or feeling. There is no vibe. Or body language. It's just me, inventing things like this on the other side of the phone....
La la la. Bored bored bored. Tell me something I haven't heard before. That's what I imagine is probably happening when I talk to someone on the phone. I have considered coming up with some authentic material, but nothing seems appropriate. All I have so far is "hi, I need a job. If you give me one I'll bake you cupcakes and mow your lawn." I figure everyone wants cupcakes and with all the rain we've had, everyone's lawn needs a good mow. It can count as "other duties as assigned." 
3) Sleep--> It appears as though the long periods of time in my undergrad that I spent less than 4 hours a night on sleep are trying to even themselves out now. I can sleep for 8 hours, get up and eat some cheerios, and then go back to sleep for another 2 or 3 hour nap. 
My summer boss knew last year that my "beauty sleep" was something that was of great importance to me but I think I'm taking it to a whole new level. I no longer believe in too much sleep. Sleep all the freaking time, people! If you have the time, sleeping is the obvious answer. Why take energy out of the cosmos when you can be drooling on your pillow?
4) Coffee--> I got "off" coffee during second semester this year because I was an addict during student teaching. However, I've jumped back on the train at a little cafe in a quaint little town near where I'm staying. My first sip of soy latte did this to my life....

And then this happened in my brain....
And now this is my new motto...
So, the inspiration is back. Whether it be by way of coffee, sunshine or otherwise. So smile! And keep reading :) 

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