Thursday, March 3, 2011

Keeping It Classy

Right now. Right this very instant. I am writing a blog in my lecture class. I wish I could tell you this was the first time I've been distracted in class, but truth be told, I have a history with this sort of thing.

Fall Semester: 2007
+Chemistry 8am: Attended in a hoodie and sweats...the perfect disguise for an ipod and a nap
+Teaching Methods 101: Wear a hat...and take a nap

Spring Semester: 2008
+Chemistry 8am (notice a trend?): Write a small novel about life until 2008

Fall 2008-Spring 2009: 
+Go to class as infrequently as possible
+Find out that in the 5 weeks of geology I skipped, there was a group project assigned
Professor: "Class, get with your group and figure out what you're doing for the presentation next week"
Me: "Presentation...? Group...? School...? Drool...?"

Fall 2009 Semester:
+Try diligently to attend class, even if it sometimes seems like no amount of trying will allow me to pass organic chemistry.
+Computer crash causes minor meltdown

Spring 2010 Semester: 
+Accidentally sleep through the last genetics lecture of the semester (I passed that class by only 1 point)

Fall 2010 Semester:
+Student teaching leads to major reform
+No days skipped!
+Sleeping goes by the wayside
+Professional napping degree acquired

Spring 2011 Semester:
+Thus far, only one class skipped
+Professional napping continues

Although that list makes it look a little like I've only attended about 50% of my college education that I paid a zillion and one dollars for, I have been at least physically present in many of my classes. And though I may miss much of the information being presented, I have picked up some rather funny quotes and found myself in some silly circumstances.

"Have you ever seen a brick wall?" -- Excuse me professor, where do I go to school? EVERY BUILDING ON CAMPUS IS MADE OF BRICK!

"I LOVE playing with these simulations! They are so fascinating. " -- A professor I had that had personal epiphanies brought on by her own lectures every week.

The first chemistry professor I had was Canadian. For a short while, I hated the entire country of Canada. For no apparent reason.

My environmental ecology teacher told us one day that she was finally getting her PhD and she would be moving on to do a study on prairie dog fleas!....woot woot?

My teaching methods classes included mental breakdowns on the part of the more anxious members of the cohort. I was publicly chastised in a classroom for the first time in my life (unrightfully so, if I may add). And I had a professor who was teaching us teaching strategies but couldn't bring herself to look anyone in the eye. The entire 16 weeks of lecture was spoken to the back wall.

Favorite Class: Educational Leadership 318
-Talk about issues in education
-Realize that my future peers may be a little clueless
-Define educational philosophy

Least Favorite Classes: Genetics, All Chemistry, Classroom Management
-Teachers are bullies
-Content is difficult
-I was too busy being mad to learn

Most Difficult Class: Cell Biology
-The tests were as follows: Teacher thinks of topic in head. Writes a paragraph about it. Erases select words in the paragraph that you must now fill in. Try this one on for size...

"The _______ is __________ and _____________." Um, oh, I know!
 The test is confusing and I'm screwed.

Easiest Class: Technology In Education
-All assignments done in class.
-Second half of the class was two online tests that we never had to take.
-Game. Set. Match.

It seems a little strange to me now that I can summarize my entire 4 years of college courses into one blog entry, but you know what....I don't think college is about class. Sorry everyone. Hate to burst your bubble. But college is actually about growing up.

Which is exactly why whiny people in class who are mad that they can't attend the review session at 8pm tonight because they already have another review session for 37 hours......screw them.

Congratulations to my peers who are honoring Green Beer Day today by coming to class drunk. I wish you all the best as you try to take the lab midterm cross-eyed. Please don't puke on me. And no, I won't help you tie your shoes. You're an adult.

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