Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Firsts and Lasts

As a future educator and a longtime student, I realize the importance of outcomes. If I don't have a goal in mind, then why am I sitting here typing away? I've perused many a blog and found that the best and most well written forums have a direction. Not that I always research before a make a decision, but in this case, my previous experiences have allowed research to be made part of this blog. So, for my own sake and the sake of the reader, I'll outline the goal of this blog.

My life is a series of firsts and lasts. As Ani Difranco says in her song Talk To Me Now :

"And I was blessed with a birth and a death, and I guess I just want some say in between."

I've heard many times that life is about the journey, and yet, my focus is often drawn to the beginning and the end. In order to remember the "in between" and come to terms with an end, I have started this blog.

On Saturday, June 11th, 2011, I will board a plane and fly to Anchorage, Alaska. Between now and then, I will have my last staff meeting as an RA, I'll attend my last college course as an undergrad, I'll lead my last meeting as a sorority president, I'll pack up my things and say my goodbyes, and I'll move forward.

Over the past 4 years, I have made some memories. I've skinned a few knees. I've compartmentalized enormous amounts of emotion, good and bad. And though I can quantify the dollar signs on my university experience, I don't think I'll ever be able to qualify it.

From here on, the words, the stories and the thoughts that pour out will be a testament to an end, a beginning and everything in between. The blog will culminate in a 7 day journal that will outline my entire Alaskan adventure. If nothing else, the Grizzly Bears will have something to laugh about while they rip my arms off in the Alaskan wilderness.

Comments are welcome, as are silent readers. Do what you need to do. It's your life. And you're free to be who you want to be.

Now go forth and use your powers for good!

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